The End of Isolation in England-BBC Radio Sheffield Interview 11th February 2022

Toby Foster on BBC Sheffield made a really important point. Whatever your views are about the end of isolation. However you choose to get on with life, think about the people around you and what their individual needs may be.

Reflections and Hope

As the sun shines today, it reminds me spring is just around the corner. In the UK we have experienced snow, rain, storms and sun this February. A typical British weather experience, I hear you say. Coincidentally, the extremes of weather we have had in February also reflects what the pandemic has brought so farContinueContinue reading “Reflections and Hope”

How are you using your Direct Payments during this Covid 19 pandemic?

‘There are many changes introduced by the government on how individuals can use their direct payments. ‘Flexibility’ is a key change.. ‘ READ THE FULL BLOG HERE #directpayments #covid19 #disability #elderly #vulnerable #extremelyvulnerable #familylife #familyblog #personalassistants #carers #downsyndrome #vaccine

BBC Radio Sheffield

I am pleased to say that BBC Radio Sheffield will be interviewing me tomorrow morning, 28th October at 07 50 UK time. This is the link for the live interview and you can also listen on catch up. Thank you to everyone who has purchased my book. I appreciate all the feedback I haveContinueContinue reading “BBC Radio Sheffield”

‘Our Family’s Journey Through Disability and Cancer’ Is Available to Order NOW!

I am glad to say today is the day my book is officially published as a print and ebook. It’s a book that was written to help those going through challenging times in their lives. 2020 has been a testing time for all of us as we live through Covid 19. We will probably stillContinueContinue reading “‘Our Family’s Journey Through Disability and Cancer’ Is Available to Order NOW!”

A ‘Different’ Journey

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. I write this post in the city where my daughter Kirsty who has Down Syndrome was born in 2001. She was 5 months old when we left London. We haven’t lived here for almost 19 years but have continued to visit family or attend modelling events and auditions severalContinueContinue reading “A ‘Different’ Journey”


My first book ‘Our Family’s Journey Through Disability and Cancer’, will be released in October 2020.Monies from sales will be donated to @CLIC_Sargent and @DSAInfo.My blog today gives you more information about the book and why I have written it.#leukaemia #teenagecancer #downsyndrome #specialneeds #disability #family #familyblog #charities #clicsargent #downsyndromeassociation #acutelymphoblasticleaukaemia #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #2020 #september #childhoodcancerawareness #cancercharities #newauthor #author #newbook #amazon #ingramspark


This photo of my daughter K was taken on Mother’s Day. We celebrated it in the simplest manner as most Mums did this year. I am J, a Mum of 2 daughters K, aged 18 and M, 12, wife to N and I am a health professional. This is my first blog on my firstContinueContinue reading “SHIELDING”